
The year was 2014, and a group of friends and families began asking the question, “What would it look like to launch a new gospel community to serve and reach an ever-changing Charleston and world for generations to come?” Motivated by scriptures such as Psalm 37:3, “Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness,” and Jeremiah 29:7, “Seek the peace and prosperity of the city,” we began walking the streets of our neighborhoods and praying for the different people groups and industries around us. We prayed for a gospel community to rise up to not only receive the grace of God but then live it out together — to be culture makers, using whatever influence we had, great or small, to shape and serve our city and world for decades to come. This gave birth to what is now known as ONE Fellowship.

Over the past 9 years, we have seen God do amazing things in our community: hope restored in broken hearts, forgiveness received in wayward souls, and grace displayed in ways no one believed was possible. If you are reading this page, you are in some way a part of our story. Most likely you have experienced several defining moments in your faith journey with us, and most likely you have shared in many defining moments of friends or family members with us, too.

We now come to a remarkable place in our history — a watershed moment where we get to do something very few churches or people ever get to do. As ONE Fellowship, we get to engage in a major work of God.

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Build a Lasting Community

What if you continued on your faith journey with us and continued to have defining moments for years to come? How much could you grow in your love and service of God and others? If you have loved ones, be they kids or spouses, how much could they grow?
As a church deeply committed to growing individuals and families in their love and service of God and others, we find ourselves at a major crossroads. We find ourselves needing more space:

  • To serve our ministries to kids and students

  • To accommodate our groups for men, women, and families

  • To worship with our families and friends

Through the ONE Campaign, we aim to secure a permanent facility that will allow us to be a growing and lasting gospel community.

Build A Flourishing City

Did you know the Bible begins in a garden and ends in a city? Why? Because cities bring together the breadth and depth of God’s most dynamic creation: people. And God loves people! God cares about how people work, rest, live, and love. And God calls for His followers to help build wonderful cities where all people can flourish. To this end, we find ourselves needing more space:

  • To welcome people from across greater Charleston into our community

  • To act as a launching pad for specialized ministries to Charleston

  • To host events for gospel nonprofits doing substantive work in Charleston

Through the ONE Campaign, we aim to secure a permanent facility that will help our city and its people flourish for decades to come.

Build A Gospel Movement

Jesus doesn’t just call His followers to a new identity in love; He calls His followers to the action of love. “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth,” we read in Acts 1:8. What does this look like? It looks like our church becoming a people and resourcing hub of mission to the whole world! To this end, we find ourselves desiring more space:

  • To raise and release the next generation of pastors, ministry leaders, and worship leaders with
    ONE Fellowship DNA

  • To resource and send church planting teams across Charleston and North America with ONE Fellowship DNA

  • To host micro-conferences for lay and ministry leaders for greater collaboration and global impact

Through the ONE Campaign, we aim to secure a permanent facility that will spark a gospel movement that touches the very ends of the earth.

ONE Campaign Video

ONE Campaign Goal - 3.98 Million

Summer 2023 Update

By the grace and goodness of God, on June 20, 2023, we were able to purchase 142 Sportsman Island Drive, Charleston. Thank you to all who rallied with us in this moment and provided generous funds to secure the down payment for this beautiful facility. Our hope moving forward is that we will continue to see gifts come in to enable us to renovate and pay off the facility in full. Whether you are new or old to the ONE Fellowship community, we invite you to make a pledge or gift below.

Fall 2023 Update

We we are thrilled to announce that we have officially launched Phase 1 of our building renovation! To learn more and discover how you can invest in this legacy opportunity, we invite you click the button below.