Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." — Matthew 19:14

Our Children's Ministry (Infant-5TH GRADE)

The children's ministry of ONE Fellowship (ONE Kids) is a vital and foundational part of our church. Dear to Jesus and dear to us, we believe our kids represent the future of our society and call for our wise guidance, love and leadership. Accordingly, our church invests heavily in our children's ministry. Safe and excellent children's ministry activities are provided on Sunday mornings during our worship services and for the week ahead, as well as at many of our gatherings and events. If you are a young family, rest assured that ONE Fellowship will be a great fit for you and your children. We hope to see you soon!

The Mission of One Kids

ONE Kids seek to love, laugh, learn and live together on mission with Christ. 



LOVE - Our kids will know the love of God through Jesus and feel connected to other kids and caring adults.

LAUGH - Our kids will feel safe and have fun every time they come together.

LEARN - Our kids will learn about Jesus through God’s word, games, crafts, songs and prayer.

LIVE - Our kids will be a part of God’s mission to the world as they experience what it means to live God’s way with His Holy Spirit. 

One kids Key dates

ONE Kids Summer Camp

  • Date: July 7-10

  • Time: 9am-12pm

  • Location: Daniel Island School

ONE Fellowship Kids invites all incoming 1st-5th grades to experience a week full of learning to love like Jesus! Campers will enjoy stories, games, crafts, and more as they learn how to love one another, be kind to one another, forgive and pray for one another, and serve one another because of the truth of the Gospel! Register here.

Protection Policy

ONE Fellowship is deeply committed to providing a safe church environment for children and youth. Click here to read the details of our ONE Kids Protection Policy.